Many time people thing that it is an easy and they can do it easily and can achieve it easily 
But fail to do so
And end up doing the simple thing in the wrong ways
In doing a simple push up it is also the same ways
It looks to be more simple but it is not so 

U can end up with a pain in your organ if you do it in a wrong way therefore here are some tips that you can use while you are performing the knee crunches.

Image result for knee crunches

Lie flat on your back and place your hands behind your head. Bend your knees and bring them up so that your thighs and hips form a 90 degree angle, calves parallel to the floor. With elbows flared lift your shoulder blades off the floor and hold the pos

Image result for knee crunches

Twist your upper body in one direction bringing the elbow to the opposite knee while fully extending your other leg. Hold and then return back to the starting position to repeat in the opposite direction.

Image result for knee crunches


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